Naomi's Gift
by Amy Clipston
This book was so good I read it in one day, which is unusual for me. I have read the first two books, A Gift of Grace and A Promise of Hope, in the Kauffman Amish Bakery series, and liked them also. I don't have the third one yet, A Place of Peace, the fourth one comes out in January, A Life of Joy, and the fifth one, A Season of Love, is scheduled for June of 2012.
Caleb and Susie, his eight year old daughter, are returning to his home town, Bird-in-Hand, PA for the holidays. He lost his wife in a buggy accident two years ago in Ohio where they lived. The only family there are his wife's cousins and they don't live close, but he has no desire to Pennsylvania.
Susie insists on stopping at a Farmer's Market to take her aenti Sadie a pie. While there she see's a beautiful quilt, her Mother loved making quilts and had promised to teach her to quilt, and gets away from her daed to admire the quilt and talk to the lady that made it. Caleb is frantically looking for Susie when he sees her talking to someone by the quilts. They will learn that her name is Naomi King and his sister, Sadie, does not like her, she has plans for him to court her friend Irene Wagler. Sadie is quite the busybody, likes to be the first to know everything, doesn't know how to keep a secret, and thinks her ways/ideas are the only/right way to do things. She thinks she should take charge of Caleb's life since their parents are gone and he has no one to look out for him. Caleb does not agree with her ant tries to tell her to 'mind her own business' gently. You'll have to read the book to see if that works.
That's all I'm going to tell you, you'll have to read the book to find out if Caleb and Susie return to their home in Ohio or make a home in Pennsylvania, if they go to Ohio do they take Naomi or Irene with them or if they stay does Caleb remarry or not.
This book is a definite purchase and read book, you will not be disappointed.
I won this book and was not required to read it or do a review, but I am so glad I took the day to read it an hope you enjoy it too.