Suddenly shun has become a serious word, for Clara Kuhn. As 1917 approaches, her Amish church's aging bishop is coming down hard on members who dally in untraditional practices--like offering Sunday school for children--and Clara's gift for telling Bible stories to little ones collides with new mandates. The young Pennsylvania Amish woman had always moved freely over the state line to visit family in the more progressive Maryland district, but now those visits are coming under scrutiny by some members of Clara's church.On the verge of accepting Andrew Raber's marriage proposal, Clara is unsure what to make of his new hobby to rehabilitate an abandoned Model T. Just how hard can they push against the bishop's wishes?
As the chasm widens between Old Order Amish and the Marylanders, and tensions rise between longtime friends and close-knit family, Clara and Andrew must look inward to examine their own hearts and consciences and above all, seek Gottes ville--God's will.
Olivia did a wonderful job of telling Clara's story and going into how the Amish can have discourse among themselves. Not only did Clara fear being shunned by the church but she felt like she was being shunned by her family, something she didn't share with anyone and bore the hurt herself. Great book, great story, great series and great writing. Can't wait for "Brightest and Best" comes out. Don't get excited it doesn't come out until August, you still have time to read the first two books in this series!