Monday, August 19, 2013

The Icecutter's Daughter by Tracie Peterson - Review of the first book in Land of Shining Water series

Merrill Krause lived in Minnesota and dedicated her life to caring for her father and six brothers since her mother died when she was only eleven years old. Not only did she do the usual womanly duties, she also helped with the animals and with the icecutting, the family business. Needless to say she didn't get the pampering without spoiling that her mother wanted her to have.

Rurik Jorgenson lived in Kansas with his brother on the family farm. When he was young his father agreed to commit Rurik to an arranged marriage with Svea Olsson but when Rurik tells her that he's leaving for Minnesota to help his Uncle Carl, Svea gets mad and calls the engagement off.

Rurik has always like building furniture since his farfar Jorgenson and Uncle Carl taught him when he was little. Carl has always helped the Krause's with the icecutting but since he's sick he volunteer's Rurik to go in his place. Merrill and Rurik find they are harboring feelings for each other but have not voiced them to anyone, not even each other. When Svea and her brother Nils, Rurik's best friend from childhood, show up unexpectedly in Minnesota the trouble starts for Rurik and soon ruins his reputation. Svea and Nils are very insistent Rurik follow through with the marriage even though she called it off when he left town. Something is not right here!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end and had another LATE night trying to get to the end. Tracie does her usual good job of pulling you right into the story. I hurriedly started the second book, "The Quarryman's Bride" and already I would like to knock someone silly in that book.

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